Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Xecuting Perfection

A preachy poem, to participate in ABC Wednesday....check out the other X entries!
as well as Inspire Me Monday

Executing Perfection 

Of all the executions to which Christ could have succumbed
Have you ever understood that crucifixion was the only one?
An executioner was needed for that particular tortured death.
All other forms, one could execute on oneself, to stop one’s breath.

Stoning? Pull out the corner stone of a fragile wall.
Hanging? A rope, a belt, a stool from which to fall.
Immolation? Gasoline and a fire stick
Suffocation? A plastic bag will do the trick.

The list goes on and on for one to commit suicide.
 So why was it that crucifixion
Was the method of execution perfection?
That is for you to ponder, for you to decide.


  1. I'm more interested in how crucifixion became so singularly associated with Jesus, when so many others died that same way, at least two of them that very day?

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. It certainly was a brutal form of eXecution!

    abcw team

  3. Just watching the movie "Passion of Christ" makes me cry every time on how cruel people can be.


    Happy Holidays!
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. Must have been started by an extremely cruel person

    PhenoMeon, ABCW Team

  5. No execution is perfect. The perfect execution is not there.

  6. are you the one coming to my blogs very often? I had a lot of trouble finding you because your blogspot profile is not open and when I click your link I´only see a "sorry page".
