Thursday, January 3, 2013


2013 has begun with challenges!  My PO just had a carrier retire and her replacement has that nasty virus, so I'm the one doing my short route and the bigger route.  Was out past sundown yesterday but hopefully things will go more smoothly.

A short piece for Alphabe- Thursday letter G

resplendent in
her haberdashery as
she slipped by, incognito
from her secluded bungalow.
 Pure serendipity, and I, without camera!
^        ^


Oh yeah...happy 3rds day♫♪

My phone has a bike bell sound that rings when a comment comes through.  Love it when I'm out on my route and the bell gets rung! 


  1. You caught the essence of the lady with your words!

  2. Your words look like a person wearing a party hat! Here's a ring for your phone. Enjoy! {:-Deb

  3. Your phone tone sounds wonderful!

    My phone sounds like someone is whistling a tune. It always makes me smile!

    I love how you 'shaped' those words so cleverly.

    This was quite a glorious post!

