Thursday, December 6, 2012

Change Is In The Air

(You may have to pull the cursor to the right to get it to load)
Participating in Alphabe-Thursday letter C
and Inspire Me Monday
Check out other entries!

1. Listen in as I tell a tale

Of why change is in the air


Feel the shift
Of attitude and understand my place.
I have learned
The ultimate in understanding grace.

2. Used to be that I thought my plans
Were the ticket out of here.
My puny plan just would not congeal.
But I kept on,  I’d persevere.

3. People prayed that I’d find my way
But I scoffed at them. They were weird.
I walked a straight line and faked the good life but
 I really never really understood.


 Always set the cart before the horse
Instead of just believing.
Evidence is all around me.
Now I have the chance
To change my core.

Revised refrain:
Feel the lift
Of attitude and understanding grace
I have learned
The ultimate in knowing my own place.

4. Daily now I look up to the sky,
I imagine how He’ll appear.
I see the world thru diffr’ent eyes,
The chaos holds no appeal.

5. Navigating thru my life of trials
Is easier you can see.
The change in me is so much better now,
no regrets and no “what ifs “ for me.

Revised refrain
Change is in the air 6X

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.


  1. Beautiful! Lovely words about finding peace and stillness within.

  2. I hope you continue to find peace. Writing is a wonderful means to that end, I believe.

  3. I'm always in awe and envy how you can come up with such nice words.

    Thank you for stopping by my Alphabe- Thursday - for letter 'C' @ ImagesByCW is about Charleston

  4. Did you compose this song? Or lyrics... Good to stand still and let it sink in...

    1. both....some time ago, when I found I enjoyed arranging music using my computer♫♪

  5. I love this beautiful melody to persevere in life.

  6. Very Clever and Creative post for the letter C...

    Thanks for linking.

