Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Xecuting Perfection

A preachy poem, to participate in ABC Wednesday....check out the other X entries!
as well as Inspire Me Monday

Executing Perfection 

Of all the executions to which Christ could have succumbed
Have you ever understood that crucifixion was the only one?
An executioner was needed for that particular tortured death.
All other forms, one could execute on oneself, to stop one’s breath.

Stoning? Pull out the corner stone of a fragile wall.
Hanging? A rope, a belt, a stool from which to fall.
Immolation? Gasoline and a fire stick
Suffocation? A plastic bag will do the trick.

The list goes on and on for one to commit suicide.
 So why was it that crucifixion
Was the method of execution perfection?
That is for you to ponder, for you to decide.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wrestling With A Heart Attack

Participating in ABC Wednesday letter W...with an instrumental for the young at heart♫♪

1. Blond and blue eyed in her jeans, gripping the wheel of her jeep
Casting her eyes down my way making my heart leap.
She passes by smiling and, tapping the horn, it beeps.
I’m on the side lines
with high hopes she will notice me.
Wrestlin’ with my heart,
she hamstrings  me.

So wrangle this, and wrangle that.
I’m all a twist. Imagine that.
2. Hallways are crowded yet I feel all alone of all things
Books by her desk, she grabs her bag by its purse strings.
She stops to talk, and I am saved the bell, it rings.
I’m on the side lines
with high hopes she will notice me.
Wrestlin’ with my heart,
she hamstrings  me.


I’m wrestling with a love attack.
She has me up against my back
She’s tied my heart.  There is no slack.
I hope she will notice me.
Wrestlin’ with my heart,
she hamstrings  me.

So wrangle this, and wrangle that.
I think I’m whipped. Imagine that.
(repeat and mixed)
Wrestling with a love attack. I’m all a twist
She has me up against my back. I’ll wrangle that.
She’s wrestling with a love attack. I think I’m whipped
She has me up against my back.  I’ll wrangle that.

She’s tied my heart
there is no going back.

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dream Quest

An instrumental that I dreamed up♫♪ (For real, I had a dream I was watching one of my songs being recorded and I immediately wrote down these lyrics!)
Problems getting the song to play ?  Try pulling the cursor all the way to the right to get it to load♪
Linking to Alphabe-Thursday Letter D

I woke up and found I’d had a dream,
A vivid little dream.
Effect on me is overwhelming.
You were right outside my open door,
A fact I can’t ignore.
My dream quest is so all consuming.

I am ready now
Believe me
I can say right now
No faking
I’m back on the road to life
I’m taking
You right with me
I am on a dream quest


I am on a quest, dream quest.
You’ve always been there.
Showing that you care.
I am now aware.
My quest’s beginning.
I am on a dream quest.


I am on a quest, dream quest
I am ready now
Believe me
I can say right now
No faking
I’m back on the road to life
I’m taking
You right with me
I am on a dream quest
Refrain (4X)

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Linking to ABC Wednesday: letter V
and The Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons
plus Cool Clicks Thursday
Saturday Snapshot


Still standing at attention;
Husks, holstering their ammo.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Change Is In The Air

(You may have to pull the cursor to the right to get it to load)
Participating in Alphabe-Thursday letter C
and Inspire Me Monday
Check out other entries!

1. Listen in as I tell a tale

Of why change is in the air


Feel the shift
Of attitude and understand my place.
I have learned
The ultimate in understanding grace.

2. Used to be that I thought my plans
Were the ticket out of here.
My puny plan just would not congeal.
But I kept on,  I’d persevere.

3. People prayed that I’d find my way
But I scoffed at them. They were weird.
I walked a straight line and faked the good life but
 I really never really understood.


 Always set the cart before the horse
Instead of just believing.
Evidence is all around me.
Now I have the chance
To change my core.

Revised refrain:
Feel the lift
Of attitude and understanding grace
I have learned
The ultimate in knowing my own place.

4. Daily now I look up to the sky,
I imagine how He’ll appear.
I see the world thru diffr’ent eyes,
The chaos holds no appeal.

5. Navigating thru my life of trials
Is easier you can see.
The change in me is so much better now,
no regrets and no “what ifs “ for me.

Revised refrain
Change is in the air 6X

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Universal Truth

Participating in ABC Wednesday letter U....check out the other blogs!

T'is the season to talk about Christ and his birth, but more important is his Resurrection, thus I offer a poem:

Universal Truth 

For your perusal, contemplation:
The Resurrection verses Creation…
Of the two, The Resurrection is the bigger deal.
It was more intimate, personal, more real.
You see, creation is merely an equation
Arranging time, space, elementation.
But to cover the sins of all mankind
Took deep thought, sacrifice, a caring mind.
So the power expended was greater indeed.
We are to think on these things, in time of need
Actually, you should think it daily, today, tomorrow…
You’ll not regret it; it will lift your sorrow.

OK, I totally made up a word, poetic licence and all...
elementation: the adhesion of all physical laws in nature.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Cheers♥