Thursday, May 17, 2012

Random Numbers

Here’s a catchy instrumental♫

While I never actually use the word ‘zero’ this is an entry for Alphabe-Thursday – Letter Z
Random Numbers
Five, four, three, two, one, none.
Five, four, three, two, one, none.
1. This is the age of numbers,
Telephone stage encumbered.
Math holds the rhythm on our lives.
Number of smiles are like the number of miles are like the number of lies, atomic size.
Everything is random numbers.
Chaos and some awesome wonders,
Countless energy is spent on love.
But for your four one one
Nothin’s random ‘bout love.
2. My heartbeat goes undetected.
Temp’rature’s unaffected
They just go on and on and on.
Number of tears is like the number of years is like the number of loves that come undone.
Jersey numbers, birthday numbers
All the universal wonders,
Counting every moment ‘cause we can.
But for your four one one
Nothin’s random ‘bout love.

Bingo numbers, gambling tumblers,
Combination locking numbers
Zip codes for your mail delivery….
Sporty numbers, model numbers,
Bowling frames all full of thunder,
Count your lucky stars that you’re with me.

Five, four, three, two, one, none.
Five, four, three, two one, none.
3. My heart has now discovered
There is another number
You seem to claim all as your own.
You have my number and that’s it you remember. How’s it you get to live in your own zone?
Here’s to your four one one.
(Don’t rescue me from this zone)
Nothin’s random ‘bout love.
(six, five, four, three, two, one, none.)
It’s all your four one one.
(This is your countdown you have won.)
You have won.

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.


  1. thanks for stopping by :) have a great week!

  2. My friend,
    How creative you are!!! Not sure who won though (smile)? Thanks for sharing.

  3. OMG! My head is spinning, but I'm not grinning!
    All those numbers dancing around
    are making me fall right straight to the ground!
    I know words, and I know rhymes,
    but I cannot tell you how many times
    I have freaked when numbers have come into play!
    I can live without numbers every day!!

    What an excellent post you have created here!!!

  4. No doubt an exquisite mathematical poem.

  5. This really is a catchy, lyrical number. LOL. I wish I could be so clever to come up with a poem or a song which has a rhythmical rhyme. I guess one's brain just has to be in tune to piece words together like this. Oh well, very good post for Alphabe-Thursday! =D

    BTW, I thought I had already been following your blog and I noticed I wasn't, but I am now! ~Cathy

    1. I had this site originally, but liked the gizmos on Wordpress so I also have a duplicate blog there under the name Heartoons♫♪

  6. Never thought about a Zip code !

  7. Hi again!

    Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

    Great post – so interesting!

    Have a great weekend too!

  8. Zip code is great! (Unfortunately here in Canada we call them postal codes. Our mail doesn't zip along quite as quickly as yours.)
