Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UTF Unable To Forward

Playing around with my phone apps....My poem inspired me♫♪

UTF…Unable To Forward

The stamp said Forever
But Lady Liberty let me down.
Hand scribbled, “U T F”
Across the name of the town.

Just a catch-up note
No romance, no plea to be with me.
But I was caught by surprise, a jolt
To find no address, no remedy.

What do I do with it now?
Tear it, toss it, tack it up?
Terminating  seems so final, kapow!

So the letter lies forgotten
In the pile of lists to-do
Until one day a text comes, unbidden
“Hey, what’s up with you?”


All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.


  1. Interesting treatment of the letters! I like the way you have emphasized the stamps!!

  2. Liberty and equality...interesting!

  3. Neat pictoglyphs ~ and great post for U ~ ^_^

  4. Yes, excellent composition with letters, exquisite ...!

  5. love it! Just like Rocky Mt. Woman! {:-Deb

  6. Interestin "U" post. It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone just the other day about the fact that letter writing is almost dead. I think we need to resurrect the art of letter writing. It's so wonderfully personal.

  7. Letter writing: a lost art indeed.

  8. I love it too. It's sad that writing letters and sending greeting cards is dying.

    Thanks for joining OYGIF.

  9. I like the poem.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for OYGIF.

  10. This is so cool! I love the digital artwork and how you tied it in with your whimsical poem. Blessings!

  11. I like the treatment very much. Great u post.

  12. Heisann!

    Great- both words and illustration ;:OD)

  13. I always roll my eyes inwardly at the name of the 'forever' stamps.

    I did NOT, however, roll my eyes at your artistic interpretation. You, my dear, are quite cool.

    Unlike the US postal services at the moment!

    Thanks for a fUn link for the letter "U".

