Monday, March 25, 2013

Satan's Standing Room

Mostly for the Easter season, but also to participate in a couple of blog hops, I wrote a poem...
The abstract is melting snow crystals that I enhanced with blue....It seemed to suit the poem.

Inspire Me Monday - week 64
NF Abstract on Wednesday
Alphabe-Thursday letter S
Weekly Top Shot

Satan's Standing Room

‘No rest for the wicked’
So the saying goes
As a gleeful Satan runs to and fro.

With access to the very inner circle,
Our Satan tattles his tales
Of never ending woes, of all that fails.

Meanwhile, the One rests at the Right Hand
Sitting, relaxed, knowing all his heirs are tools
Biding time in heaven, awaiting His footstool.

For Hell will be standing room only
No rest, nor relief, no way to cope.
When Christ sat down, his work finished,
Redeeming mankind, our true hope.

 Happy Easter Everyone♫♪

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.


  1. Yes, you're right. Evil is not going on vacation.

  2. I like the blue tone in the crystals. And I feel more omfortable with abstract pictures than abstract words like God and Satan ;)
    Happy Easter!

  3. interesting. Thanks for sharing at NF Abstract. :)

  4. Wow that is brilliant dont think you would have to be a christian to understand it.
    May I share it on my blog on Sunday or at least put a link to it here?
    Thank you God Bless

  5. Such wise words beautifully phrased and crafted!

    Have a good Easter weekend,

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  6. Interesting poem, worth reading over again and a very suitable illustration.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog and a Happy Easter to you too. :)

  7. Nice poem, Satan his as already lost. We just need to claim ours. This Easter would be a good time to do it in Christ's honor who made it all possible for us. Google "how to be saved" to find the way.

    Idioms Dictionary: No rest for the wicked.
    Fig. It's because you are wicked that you have to work hard. (Usually jocular.)

    Nicely used here, no joking about it.

  8. Great poem. Happy Easter to you, too!

  9. like the photograph and treatment very much

  10. Funny, I never thought of hell in shades of blue and perhaps that's the point. Or maybe I am just totally confused, poetry does that to me sometimes ;)

  11. fabulous poem! so true that evil never rests, that's why we must be alert. I love your editing! blues are my favorite.

  12. Satan never rests...

    This is a Spectacular post for the letter S...

    Thanks for Sharing this with us...

    Splendid job.


  13. I was skeptical about the title but the poem is quite nice. Love the editing of your photo, too.
