Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mosaic Mosaic

Can't help during this Lenten season to focus on a spiritual theme....A poem for your perusal:
Linking to Alphabe-Thursday Letter M and Inspire Me Monday

Mosaic Mosaic

When Moses moseyed into the desert and served
With a mosaic of rag tag peoples,
His leadership, style, and presence: reserved.
He, a conduit between mankind and temples…

A mere glimpse of all mankind in those desert years-
One tiny nation set aside and preserved.
That mosaic imbued with commandments and fears
Showing humans could never be God deserved;

Because mercy, grace and love rule the mosaic,
Only God can mesh the human and Spirit.
His Son did the weaving, scripturally prosaic.
All that’s required of us: just believe it.

Yes, we make up the bits and pieces
Of Christ’s holy mosaic.
Now shine, as your tiny bit meshes
With the total picture: the perfect Mosaic.

All Rights Reserved. By LMKazmierczak  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Lent, Valentines Day, President's Day...February holds lots of celebrations♥


  1. What a marvelous reminder of Moses moment in the dessert with a bunch of moody people who merely forgot about God for a minute to soon realize the majesty of the Master through His law written on a stone mosaic. What a lovely poem for today's Alphabe-Thursday letter "M" assignment! =D

  2. Yes, we are all mosaics, beautiful poem.

  3. did you write this poem? (sorry -- not obvious). excellent Lenten contemplation. thanks for dropping by.

    1. Yes, it is my original poem...I added the esentials now♫

  4. So thought provoking - superb poem!

  5. Beautiful and inspirational poem. Wonderful reminders for Lent. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! ~ Tanya.

  6. Thank you for these thought-provoking words.

  7. Thanks for stopping by the ATAGIRLS blog, and for sharing your lovely prose. Very inspirational.

  8. Following back! Kudos for finding a rhyme for 'mosaic'. :O)

  9. What a great word mosaic!

    Moses moseyed!

    What wonderful word crafting!

    Thanks for linking.

