Reminiscing over this past September's wedding events♫♪
Joining Jenny Matlock's
Alphabe Thursday Letter J
The Photo Gallery:Adventure
Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond
Orange You Glad It's Friday
Saturday Snapshot
Inspire Me Monday
Over the river
and through the woods…
Oh, how that Jeep
endured the many broods!
Family, friends,
through all types of moods.
Two Hundred acres
of timbered trails
Hauling fire
wood, camping gear, through the dales,
Exploring, fording
streams, passing all the trials.
bumperless, with holed floor boards, no window shield,
Battery burned
out, no longer able to pull sleds over the field,
Was put into
storage, no power to wield.
de-palpitated, unable to come to life…
Hauled away, stored
at my brother’s and his wife.
Then, a
daughter’s engagement, and an idea come to life.
Who knew my
brother had the skill?
T’was up to the
last minute for him to fill the bill.
Success! It runs again to escort the Bride…Doesn’t it
look swell!!!
a true story
Happy Trails♫♪