Monday, October 29, 2012

Prose...for Halloween

According to  the ordinary form of spoken or written language
without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.

Participating in Inspire Me Monday
as well as ABC Wednesday Letter P
Check out those Blogs♫♪


                                      A blob in need of ears…….grew some
                                        A head in need of eyes…..grew some
                                         A chin in need of teeth….grew some
                                        A neck in need of torso….grew some
                                     A chest in need of hair…… grew some
                                   A waist in need of guts……...grew some
                     A derriere in need of legs…….grew some
                   A pair of legs in need of feet…. grew some
                             A set of feet in need of toes……..grew some
                            A mind in need of thoughts,

And now to segue into hedge-apples, the brainy looking product of the Osage Orange Tree...
for more about hedge-apples:

This time of year you can find them along roadsides....get at least ten for your house!

This one is on the back of my commode, but I usually place them in bowls hidden in the corners of all my rooms...

See them hanging from the tree? 

They will repel spiders for about 4 months.  Mice aren't too keen on them either, so I  place one on each side of my garage door...The fresh green will turn brown and will become hard in the bowls.  
Toss them or compost them.


  1. Great post for P and Halloween. I didn't know that about repelling spiders. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. looked more like POETRY to me!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. it's a strange looking orange, and a natural repellant, too.

    P is for...

  4. Never heard of them, but will check around. Great household tip!

    abcw team

  5. Fun words and great photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  6. Happy Halloween and thanks for sharing the osage info!
    Grou-vee prose too.

  7. Ha Ha I love that you hide them in corners in your house. What a Hoot!

  8. I learned about hedge apples through blogging and then found my friend's husband had incorporated them into a painting. I found some real ones for the first time several weeks ago, but I didn;t bring any home.

  9. Natures repellent is so cool.
    Absolutely perfect for Halloween.

  10. I don't think I have seen this before, very interesting.

    Pile of Leaves
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  11. How interesting!I have not seen this spider rellant fruit before.

  12. I just saw a park full of hedgeapples yesterday. Think I need to go back today and retrieve them.

  13. Calling by from ABC Wednesday,how interesting that they repel spiders.

  14. Beautiful photos, delicious crossing branches.
