Thursday, June 14, 2012


Linking to Alphabe-Thursday Letter D

1. Am I
destined to be
Something I don’t wanna be?
Will I lead a life ordinare,
lost in all humanity?
Worse yet find myself so famous
I can’t find tranquility.
Best bet is to face the future
Rushing me so rapidly.

O who’s to say
Which path leads to my destiny?
And who’s to tell
Which horizon will catch my eye?

2. Are you
The one for me
Who I’ll trust implicitly?
Will we be the extraordinaire
Standing out with surety?
Planning, hoping, sharing, loving
Not just puppets on a string
Filling life with shiny moments
Destiny won’t leave a sting.


Are these random phases
Tied together, tell me what’s the case?
Who wants to be famous with their face?
Running all these races
Without knowing my own place. Am I
Wasting all my days

(Mixed at end)

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  1. Now destiny is something that we probably shouldn't know about! ;) Love this piece.

  2. Our destiny is so affected by all the choices we make - even at my age!

  3. destiny is an interesting concept ... I still tend to think that a lot of it is choice ...

  4. great song. Doesn't sound like a destiny I'd want! {:-Deb

  5. magnificent, the destiny is present in me.

  6. such are the deeper questions of life! Life seems to be made up mostly of many small choices along the way. I would say our choices lead to our destinies.
    great questions to ponder!

  7. Great words you've penned here! would love to hear it to music...

  8. What a delightful query you posed here.

    Life seems like it should be easier, sometimes, doesn't it?

    How do you just float on the surface without the deep currents yanking at you all the time?


    I wish I knew the answer to that.

    Thank you for linking.

    Going to hear your song now!


  9. Excellent poem. There's something about the destination we all know, until it reaches I wish you happiness.
