Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ordinary Words...'Max Forward'

One step at a time: Moving forward...maximizing forwardness

Linking to
Wordpress photo challenge-Forward
Inspire Me Monday
How does one take ordinary words and change policy?  Contact the right people?  That helps.
Create a ground roots swell of interest?  Also helpful, but requires some skill and luck.
Create a facts page so that the policy that needs an upgrade has all the right info on it...ok that takes some research....

Here's my idea: When FEMA is involved in funding for rebuilding homes, why not make sure all new home construction includes the recharging stations for electric cars?  Just like any appliance that needs special outlets/hook-ups (stoves and gas dryers), include the ability to charge an electric car. Make it easier for folks to own/use a glorified golf cart for their short errands.  By  implementing such a policy, we can move off the dependence for oil, update our infrastructure,  encourage more usage of electric cars, have an entire community on the same page for conserving energy, maybe even an entire seaboard...I'm a dreamer......

Maybe such a plan of action is already in the works.  If not I think it should be so here's what I'd like you to do.

Use any social outlet you have and hashtag it with this message:

 Lessen oil consumption by upgrading Gov't home disaster policy to include electric car charging stations in those homes. #MaxForward

I'd very much like to see what kind of consequences are the result ♫


  1. This is of course a wonderful idea!

    And your photos display an important message!

  2. great idea! I always wondered where I would have to go to charge an electric car. I was told (maybe wrongly) that any old plug would do! Guess not... {:-D

  3. Wonderful pictures, I like the second one is my favorite. Very pretty

  4. What a wonderful idea and what outstanding pictures!

    Love those boots!

    Thanks for linking.

