Thursday, April 26, 2012


Another choral piece♫♪…
this is an entry for 
Is 30:21
Yahweh, your ways are so much higher…
1.Behold this is a day of the Lord.
This is the way, walk in it
Thus says the Lord (of Glory).
Magnificent, His name is uplifted for His glory.
Biblical works tell of His power and love story.
Your ways are so much higher.
Your way,
Leads us to your desire
Set all our hearts on fire.
You were first known as the Creator of the heavens
You reveal all of your glory, glory to us.
Your name shall be exalted whenever we come follow,
Show us all you require.
2. Acknowledge that you are serving the Lord.
He knows your path if you will
follow his word (of Glory).
His realm is vast and contains all of his love and glory.
He sent His son showing His power and love story.
You sent Christ as savior proving your love for mankind.
He revealed all of your glory, glory to us.
Jesus has praised and shown us how we should glorify you,
Show us all you require
Your Ways be our Ways and our Ways be blessed by you Lord.
Your Ways be our Ways and our Ways be
Your Way.

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Voice Lessons

An attempt at a choral piece, this is an entry for
Voice Lessons
Voice lessons, rejoice you chosen!
You are sheep heeding His voice.
(MY sheep hear My voice)
Voice lessons require us to be
sheep heeding His voice.
(My sheep hear My voice)
Come into His company and be patient for His voice
Bide your time,
Quiet time,
Your source.
Voice lessons, just hear him calling!
You are sheep heeding His voice
(My sheep hear My voice)
Life lessons requires us to be
tuned to hear His voice
(My sheep hear My voice)
Christ calls and invites us into His presence for His voice
Bide your time,
Quiet time,
Your source.
His voice is calling you now.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Understanding Ephphatha

This is a choral piece my daughter Angela and her friend Kathleen graciously recorded.  As part of the Alphabe-Thursday’s Letter U  Challenge. ♫♪ 
Ephphatha:  Be Opened
Based on Mark 7:34
1. Ephphatha, be opened
Thus says the Lord.
Deaf are commanded to hear with their soul.
Spirit, dwell within us.
Hearts closed and minds closed
We long to be filled
Only the spirit can open our will.
Spirit, dwell within us
Ephphatha, be opened.
Fill us O Lord
Ephphatha, be opened.
Open us Lord
2. Ephphatha, be opened.
Spirit’s reward.
Don’t vex the spirit.
Let Him have control.
Spirit, dwell within us.
Heart, mind, and soul
For the Lord we’re designed.
Only the spirit lets us see the divine.
Spirit, dwell within us
Ephphatha, be opened.
Fill us O Lord
Ephphatha, be opened.
We hear you Lord.

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tic Tac Toe

Alphabe-Thursday letter T challenge…My daughter Angela sings the song found almost at the bottom of my song list…

Tic Tac Toe

Once upon a playground
we were happy-go-round
Time for me to grow up..
La la la la-la…
Tic-tac-toe treasures,
My heart’s a skipping stone.
Playing at love is like a
Drippy ice cream cone.
We can compete with just X's and O's 'cause
Whenever we play, there is never a loser.
Oh, rules for you,
you play like tic-tac-toe. 
We steal a kiss or two, and then I fall for you.
Tic-tac-toe treasures
You’re captured in my mind.
Hopscotch and monkey bar
Rules are redefined.
You are my treasure. But not for me to hold.
We simply play this game.
My love, it goes untold.
Rules for you,
you play like tic-tac-toe. 
We steal a kiss or two and then I fall for you.
Once upon a playground
we were happy-go-round
Time for me to grow up..
Tic tac toe, I fall for you
Playground rules just won’t do.
Our friendship will remain true
But you haven’t got  a clue.
Rules for you,
you play like tic-tac-toe. 
We steal a kiss or two and then I fall for you.
Tic-tac-toe treasure
A kiss is good as gold
You are  a marvel when you
Line all your Os in rows.
I cannot wait till we make new rules again.
Boomerang pleasures we could catch
Because we’re friends
Oh rules for you,
you play like tic-tac-toe. 
We  steal a kiss or two and then I fall for you.
Refrain (2X)
Tic Tac Toe, childhood wishes go
Tic Tac Toe, hugs and kisses oh,
Tic Tac Toe, all Xs and Os
Tic Tac Toe!
L. Kazmierczak   ©  1999

So, these are pure lyrics and not a poem.  My book, Ordinary Words, Selected Poetry can be found on

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


More marketing advice...I'm learning how to make lists on in the 'listmania' feature.  Evidently there are ways to 'tag' my book so people can find it easily, so of course I put it on my list.  You can also see what books I have on my Kindle...I did not include my entire list, but my next-in-line books are published, along with some initial thoughts.  Not sure how this helps in my marketing, but the more info that's 'out there' the better♫♪

Monday, April 2, 2012

Oddball drinking glass

Why do I always reach for that odd glass?  It doesn't belong to any set, it doesn't hold any more or less amount, it isn't more attractive...but I find I always think of it as My glass. I can't even remember where it came from, although I think it may have held a candle at one time.  Every cupboard has one, I suspect. Perhaps, because it wouldn't matter if it became chipped or broken, it gets more use.  Or perhaps, I like the individuality of it, which makes it special.  Or perhaps I am just a creature of habit and I am stuck in the same old, same mold. Whatever the reason, I will continue to use if I can just address that troublesome adage about having a glass half full...maybe some other time♫♪