Wednesday, June 6, 2012

U & I 4Ever?

This is an entry for the letter U for ABC Wednesday, and I concede it's a bit of a cheat since the U isn't a full word.  Hope you like the tune though....
 Other entries can be found here:

The letter U of Urban Legend.

1. How did I get in this position?
I’ve no excuse for my condition.
I won’t look into your eyes for fear
My heart will be revealed.

2. I cannot say aloud your name
I fear you’ll see the stake that you’ve claimed.
I can’t extend that one simple touch
For fear I’ll give away too much.

Tell me do you ever think of me
How our lives would be
If you and I could be together?
How can I pull you into my world
Coax you into thinking
You and I should be forever?

3. You have me dangling on the edge of my mind.
I need to stop and step back for a short time.
Whether you are the one, the only one
To see me through my love so blind.


Now I’m in this position.
No cure for my condition
Give heed to my petition
Come into my world
For you and I should be forever.

All Rights Reserved.  Please ask permission for use of any part of this post, thanks.


  1. Haven't heard this song yet. Now following your blog.
    U is for..
    Rose, ABC Wednesday

  2. U R X-L-ent!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. lol! if there is no I, there will be no U. so U & I should be together :)
    hope you can visit my ABC Wednesday here.
